About Us
Pride in North Cumbria (PiNC) provides support services and a safe social group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans', questioning and other people; aged between 13 and 25 years.

We provide a safe environment for young people to socialise, take part in workshops, and get involved in activities and events. In the sessions, there is information and advice, and a chance to discuss issues that effect individuals and the group. Young people are encouraged to get involved in project planning, so they can help influence the direction of our activities and services.
PiNC is a charitable organisation with over 20 years of operational experience. During this time we have developed from a small social group, into an organisation that now also performs outreach, campaigns, consultation and more, to support and protect Cumbria's LGBT+ young people.
Based at Rainbow HQ in Carlisle, Cumbria, we work closely with other organisations located at the centre, including Proud & Diverse Cumbria and Sticky Bits Cafe. PiNC is now branching out to open a new LGBT+ Centre in Maryport, Cumbria to enable us to do outreach work in West Cumbria in partnership with Always Another Way CIC. We also have well established partnerships and working relationships with other youth groups, universities, colleges and schools.
Please Note: Pride in North Cumbria is not the Cumbria Pride event. While we often work together, they are a spearate charity. For more information about them, please visit www.cumbriapride.org and we should also not be confused with 'The Pride of Cumbria - Great North Air Ambulance'.